Saturday, 5 October 2013

First Post and Introductions

Hey, I think.
I guess I am just introducing myself to the internet, however I'd quite like to keep this anonymous. At least, until I'm comfortable with this. I know I have no followers at the moment, so nobody is reading this. But, if you are, hey *waves* Lemme know if you are anyways. I'm new at this and want to follow some "super-cool" blogs/people.
I think, however, I haven't decided properly yet, but I want this blog to be about beauty and life style and whatever else I decide to add in randomly, sometimes. So please, gimme a follow and I shall start typing with purpose. (I'll blog anyway)


  1. Cant wait to be the first to read your posts! You will do great xx Im looking for thr tab on your blog to follow you?

    Say Hi to me at

    1. hey, thanks! you made my day, and i think i have added a follow button now! ;) xx

  2. Welcome to the blogging world sweet!
    I've just become follower number four, yay!
    I'm really looking forward to your future posts and to seeing more from you, you first review in freederm was great!
    Hope to speak soon,
    Laura xx

  3. thanks for the comment, really means a lot! :) xx

  4. welcome to the blogging world! I know blogging can seem so awkward! I'm starting to get over it, but not really haha
