Saturday, 2 November 2013


I've joined in the #BritishBloggerSelection!

Basically what it is, is a group of British Bloggers who write about a set theme each week, the theme is set by aka Ellie. If you're interested in this yourself, just go over to her blog and contact her, tell her your blog URL, blog name and first and last name.

I think this is a good way to get found by other fellow bloggers and is a fun idea! It also helps if you're a bit stuck for inspiration one week!


  1. Great idea this sounds amazing love your blog <3

  2. yeah, i think it does too! you should go check out ellie if you haven't already! ;) and thank you very much! xx

  3. I'm also involved in the British Blogger Selection :) Can't wait to see your posts!

    I've nominated you for the Sunshine Award!

    find it here;
    Natalie xx

    1. awesome- i think the British Blogger Selection is a great idea! :) and thank you so much! will check it out soon! :) xx
